9 Rolled Rosette Paper Flowers - Design #193
Paper rosettes are charming, versatile, and an excellent project for paper flower beginners! Instead of cutting out petals and adding them in layers, this papercraft is made by cutting out a spiral shape in a colorful piece of paper and rolling it into a beautiful paper rose. Though this lacks single, separate inner and outer petals like real flowers, rolled paper flowers still have a traditional flower shape. For a more natural look, you can use different paper rosette templates.
Rolled paper rosettes are the easiest paper flowers to create, and you can get started right now using my free template, available for instant download! I've included a free wavy rolled paper rose template in an SVG cut file for use in a Cricut cutting machine and PDF printables for hand-cutting with scissors or an X-acto knife. I've also included templates for my 3-point leaf design and a link to nine additional rolled rosette designs you can get as a member!
The Many Uses of Rolled Paper Rosettes
By simply rolling paper coils, you get a finished flower rosette you can use in many ways. Make small rosettes to decorate wooden signs or to spice up wrapping paper. Add more strips of paper to make larger rosettes to decorate kids' rooms or for a beautiful bouquet that will last a long time. You can reduce the size of the rolled rosette for use on greeting cards, like a lovely handmade Mother's Day card or a paper roses Valentine's Day card. 65 lb cardstock works perfectly, but you can use almost any type of paper. Consider using newsprint, scrapbook paper, or old book pages to create whimsical ornaments or as the background for shadow boxes.
However you decide to use your rolled paper rosettes, you won't have a problem with this fun craft if you use my easy step-by-step instructions or video tutorial! Happy crafting!
Supplies for Wavy Rolled Rosettes
50-80 lb cardstock (I used 65 lb) in 8.5 x 11 or 12 x 12 sizes
Wood dowel or quilling tool (optional)
Fine-point blade for your Cricut
Cricut machine (Explore or Maker)
Scissors if hand cutting
Rosette templates - log in to download!
You can get all ten of my paper rosette designs as a Premium Member, too!

Keywords: Cricut Crafts, Paper Flowers, Small Paper Flowers, paper rose, paper rosettes, rolled flowers, rolled rosettes, valentines day